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Melanie Wiener

„Mediation / Meditation“ | Fotografie für die Performance-Künstlerin Lisa Stertz

20.10.2012 | stattberlin gallery



Teilnahme der Performance-Künstlerin Lisa Stertz am Projekt „Mediation/Meditation“ von Daniel Rothbart. In diesem Projekt bringt Daniel Rothbart seit vier Jahren 20 metallene Schüsseln zu den unterschiedlichsten Orten, an denen sie von immer anderen Menschen inszeniert, bespielt, bedeutet, befüllt… werden.

/// “For years now Daniel Rothbart has carried twenty metal vessels of varying dimensions to different countries around the world. When he identifies an interesting environment, Rothbart arranges the vessels within it and documents the scene with photographs. The objects, thanks to the intervention of unpredictable outside factors, are filled with transient meanings that open them to new interpretations and effectively shift their meaning as signifiers. The transitory nature of meaning, uncertainty, nomadism, and geographic and semantic uprooting are central elements to Daniel Rothbart’s project.”



Lisa Stertz

Daniel Rothbart

stattberlin gallery